
ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Seminar InformatikAktuelle Themen der Algorithmik (Bachelor)Seminar6360523Mo 10:00-13:00 Seminarraum i1, Raum 4017 (2353|017) (×1)
Di 10:00-13:00 Seminarraum i1, Raum 4017 (2353|017) (×1)
Di 10:30-15:30 Seminarraum i1, Raum 4017 (2353|017) (×1)
Mi 10:00-13:00 Seminarraum i1, Raum 4017 (2353|017) (×1)
Fr 14:30-17:30 Seminarraum i1, Raum 4017 (2353|017) (×1)
Aktuelle Themen in der FluidanimationSeminar6278775Mi 14:30-16:00 9220 (2359|220) (×1)
Do 09:00-12:00 9220 (2359|220) (×3)
Ausgesuchte Themen zur Eingebetteten SoftwareSeminar6283627
Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry ProcessingSeminar6281327Do 10:00-12:00 2359|118 (×1)
Current Topics in Technology Enhanced Learning: Blended Learning in (Higher) EducationSeminar6281530Mi 13:30-17:00 5055 (2356|055) (×1)
Evaluating model-driven systems engineering techniques for cyber-physical systemsSeminar6282973
Formal Aspects of Software and Systems EngineeringSeminar6282753
Informationsmanagement für öffentliche MobilitätsangeboteProseminar6354295
Kryptographie und IT-SicherheitSeminar6360506Mo 11:00-12:00 Ort/Zeit noch nicht bekannt (×1)
Model-Based Assistance and E-HealthSeminar6361404
Numerische BibliothekenSeminar6277878
Post-Desktop User InterfacesSeminar6283703Do 14:30-16:00 Seminarraum Informatik 10 (2350|222) (×5)
Satisfiability CheckingSeminar6279666Do 10:30-12:00 5055 (2356|055) (×1)
Selected Topics in Human Language Technology and Pattern RecognitionSeminar6361073Di 10:00-12:00 2356|124 (×1)
Mi 15:00-18:00 2356|124 (×1)
Do 10:00-12:00 2356|124 (×2)
Selected Topics in Process MiningSeminar6353782
Seminar (Selected Topics in Agent Behaviour Modelling)Seminar6279173
Seminar Current Topics in Computer Vision and Machine Learning (Master seminar)Hauptseminar6392325
Seminar Important Developments in Computer Vision and Machine Learning (Bachelor seminar)Hauptseminar6392311
Seminar KomplexitätstheorieSeminar6350757
Seminar Komplexitätstheorie IISeminar6362384
Seminar zur Computergestützten Mathematischen ModellierungSeminar6278780
Seminar: Advanced Internet TechnologySeminar6280102
Seminar: Aktuelle Themen der Virtuellen RealitätSeminar6282101
Seminar: Aktuellen Themen im Bereich Hochleistungsrechnen (HPC)Seminar6280402
Seminar: Internet TechnologySeminar6278826
Seminars on Internet Technology and Advanced Internet TechnologySeminar6362202
Verification and Static Analysis of SoftwareSeminar6283169
Web Science SeminarSeminar6281411