
ModuleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Novel Materials and Devices for Information Technology - Displays and CommunicationFach-/Modulprüfung5366341
Novel Materials and Devices for Information Technology - Logic and MemoriesFach-/Modulprüfung5366340
Übung355859Mi 16:15-17:00 38 A 2 (5381|U103) (×14)
Mi 16:15-17:00 38 A 3 (5381|006) (×1)
Mi 16:15-17:00 t.b.d. (×1)
Vorlesung356105Di 08:30-11:00 WSH S1 (4243|104) (×1)
Di 09:00-11:30 WSH S1 (4243|104) (×1)
Mi 09:00-11:30 WSH S1 (4243|104) (×1)
Mi 14:30-16:00 38 A 2 (5381|U103) (×15)
Fr 08:30-13:00 WSH S1 (4243|104) (×1)